Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Future Plans

Coming to SNHU was an amazing experience. From the second I visited this school I fell in love with it. The campus was perfect. My ideal school was something not to far away from home and something not to large, this was just the perfect school. I met so many amazing people who I can see myself staying in touch with in the future. Although I think I have decided that I may not be coming back to SNHU next year. It's hard for me to be living away at school and having a job without a car on campus. I have been saving up for my own apartment next year and it's difficult for me to pursue that being far away from home. I'll still be going to school but locally near my town. I'm wouldn't take back coming here to SNHU for the world. Its been an amazing experience but I see myself going down a different path and won't stop until I persue my goal.

1 comment:

  1. It really stinks that you are not coming back to SNHU, but it is good that you are doing what is best for your future! I admire that you have your future planned out, because mine is far from planned out. I also have a hard time living away from school, but I have a car on campus, so going home is easy for me! Good luck with everything in the future!!
