Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Tech Experience

Throughout elementary, middle, and high school I got very little time and experience with computers.  We hardly ever used computers let alone we almost never had a computer in the classroom to use other than the "teachers computer." In Elementary school I remember having at least one computer in each classroom for references if needed for the students. Most of the time our computers didn't work so it was very hard to have the time to use them.

While entering middle school which were grades 5th-8th we had only one computer classroom at the time where we learned the basics of computers and how to use the keyboard. Around 7th grade I had a computer class mainly to learn how to use Microsoft Word and some other familiar sites. For a majority of the year we would only play computer games due to the lack of internet connection we had. That's if the computers would even turn on. At that point we would get handouts passed around and would have to do worksheets during class or we could choose to have a free period to do homework or talk with friends. When going into high school it almost got worse. I think the only time I used a computer was to write papers using only Microsoft Word or to print out pages. Almost the hole building had poor internet access. I wish I had learned more about different sites such as blogger while being in high school. I would have got more familiar with it and would have probably even created my own. I don't remember too much from using technology because I'm pretty old school and would much rather take down notes in a notebook and use worksheets.

For my future classroom I would defiantly recommend having working computers at access at all times for students. I would love to show them how to create a blog. I think it's a really smart way for children to share and be able to look at each others work. Giving them ideas based off of other students is very important. Also if students have questions on a homework assignment they can comment on my blog or another classmates and get the information they need. I think it's a very smart idea and would defiantly use it when being a teacher of my own. It's defiantly a good way to keep the students engaged and entertained.


  1. Wow! I think it is crazy how little technology you had in your schools, even as you got older you said it almost got worse! Was it hard transitioning from your high school to SNHU with such little practice with technology? Did it take a long time to adjust to all of the different Microsoft programs, email accounts, etc.? I, like you, never used blogs until college and would love to be able to use them in my classroom! I hope that this class can teach all of us about different ways that we could use technology in our future classrooms and about different programs and applications that can be utilized. Although you did not see much technology in your school system when you were going through it, I'm sure that there is more used now and some day it will probably be overpowered with technology!

  2. Thats so sad to hear that you had barely any access to computers in throughout elementary, middle, and high school. I feel like a lot of people have that same experience unfortunately. Did you find it difficult to do your work like papers and stuff in high school with the lack of technology? I agree that using blogs in our future classrooms would work well. I also agree with you about incorporating. Its good that you had that past experience not having a lot of technology in your classroom, because you know how much it held you back as a student, and how important it will be to incorporate in your future classroom!

  3. We are actually very similar! I didn't have much education in learning how to use a computer during my early years of school. I didn't even get to use a computer in school until the fourth and fifth grade. I think it is crazy to see how things have changed because now children at that age are already using Facebook and Twitter! I also had very poor internet connection in my middle school and high school. It was very annoying, and made completing assignments a lot harder. I think that it is awesome that you want to use computers in your future classroom. I want to do the same thing. There are so many different websites that are great learning tools for students of all ages.

  4. It wasn't to hard adjusting to using computers coming to SNHU I learned pretty fast but yes it was really difficult getting papers done during middle and high school. You guys were very fortunate to be able to use working computers but for the most part it was pretty easy to work around it.
